July 2024 - Launching Our New On-line Advancement Training

We are excited to announce the launch of our on-line priesthood training. Over the past 15 years we have helped many, many others train to become priests and priestesses of the Craft via our network of covens. Yet it is still not possible to accommodate the vast number of people seeking initiation and advancement in the mysteries, which is why we have launched our 100% on-line priesthood training program. 

Beginning with the Path of Earth, each course leads the seeker through a rigorous set of lessons that will equip them with the knowledge, skills and ability to go on and found their own coven (or similar groups), or to provide services such as officiating handfastings, conducting rituals, offering professional divination readings and other spiritual and magickal services - all  accredited and endorsed by the Enchanted Moon. 

See out Priesthood Training page for more details.


We firmly believe that money should not be a barrier to learning, and with the current cost of living crisis we understand that many students are really struggling to make ends meet. Therefor, we are happy to offer those who are unwaged, or on low incomes, free access to up to six of our courses. Please email the academy to apply and find out more: 


Conchomany - Divination with seashells

Learn about the ancient and fascinating art of prediction and fortunetelling using the beautiful treasures of the sea. This 12 module course covers everything you need to know in order to create your own seashell divination practice tailored to your own needs and preferences. Course tutor, Athene Moon (our resident Mistress of Seership) is on hand to give you any help or guidance you need with the course. 


Curses & Malevolent Magick

We are delighted to announce the release of Wort Moon's latest course exploring the sinister world of curses and malevolent magick. Over the course of 12 fascinating lessons, students will learn not just about the history and methods of cursing, but also how to go about finding out if a curse has been laid, how to go about removing them and protection from further attacks. After debating the ethics, motivations and possible rebounds, the course moves on to how to go about constructing a curse and the best components to use.

Visit the course page - Curses & Malevolent Magick - for further details.

COURSE UPDATE 13 Jan 2024 -  Updates have been added to the Introduction To Paganism course. Past students who have completed the course should be able to have full access, with no need to complete any additional assignments or work. Please let us know if you have any difficulty accessing the course. 

January 2024 


Astrology: Zodiac Signs - the first in a series of courses covering the basic concepts of astrology utilizing an easy to remember, formulaic system. 

Exploring the history, mythology and foundational concepts of Western Astrology, this course is a must for those who would like to begin learning Astrology but were confused and overwhelmed by all the information often presented in books and other courses. 

Visit the Astrology - Zodiac Signs course page for more details.

Moon Magick - The academy is delighted to announce the launch of Wort Moon's hotly anticipated course on Moon Magick.

Visit the Moon Magick course page for more details.

2024 EVENTS - We are delighted to announce a new cycle of our in-person 'Enchanted Moon Circles' celebrating the Wheel of the Year. 

We shall be hosting a series of events to help celebrate and deepen our understanding of each of the 8 Sabbats that make up the Wheel of the Year throughout 2024. These in-person events are held at a private residence near the town of Reading and are by prior booking only. Please visit our  site for more details. 

SEPTEMBER 2023 - New Courses Alert!

After taking a well earned rest over the month of August, the academy is proud to announce the launch of two brand new courses. First we have Wort Moon's greatly anticipated 'Candle Magick' course. This comprises of 12 lessons covering everything from the history of fire and candle rituals, to using candles for healing, protection, divination and of course... spells! Click the link for details: Candle Magick

We are also delighted to introduce 'An Introduction To Haitian Vodou' created by the wonderful Bon Houngan Lampe, a Senior Vodou Priest who has been practising the religion for over 40 years. This comprises of four easy to follow slide presentations and has been graded as having only a very light coursework load - perfect for sliding gently back into your studies. 

JUNE 2023 - New 'Metal Magick' Course!

We kick off summer with the introduction of a new course exploring the magick of metals. Created by Wort Moon (a long standing High Priestess and Elder of our Craft line), this course is idea for those that want to move beyond the basics and expand their magickal repitoire. See our Metal Magick course page for more info. 

MAY 2023 - ACADEMY NAME CHANGE - we have changed our name to the Enchanted Moon Academy to better reflect the wide range of courses we offer, and make them more appealing and inclusive to non witches. Please take note of our new email:

April 2023 - NEW COURSES - we have three exciting new courses freshly added to our catalogue - 'Colours In Crystal Healing' by Wort Moon,  'Runes' by Azurite Moon & 'Norse Paganism' by Athene Moon. Click on the links provided to find out more. More new courses will be added shortly.

March 2023 - Changes To Course Enrolment & Completion Dates

We love to hear feedback and suggestions for improvements, and the one thing we keep being asked is to make our catalogue  available individually and allow longer completing dates. So, as of April, our course delivery model will change from the current termly system, to one where you are free to sign up for any course, at any time with no time limits or constrains. 


February 2023 - MOON CIRCLES - we hold monthly  in-person circles  on the first Monday of each month if you fancy attending a gathering of like-minded people. They are held at the village of Beech Hill near Reading, South England, UK. Pre-booking is essential. Please visit our Enchanted Moon Circles website for more details.