An Introduction To Paganism

An Introduction To Paganism

Course Tutor: Wort Moon

Number of Lesson Modules: 12

Level: Suitable for beginners and all levels

Prerequisites: None

Cost: £12 unlimited access

Course Details:

Paganism is one of the fastest growing spiritual movements in the West. Pagan religion is all around us - in the landscape moulded by generations before into sacred hill and standing stone, into sacred burial ground and holy mountain, places where generation after generation have walked honouring the Gods of their peoples and lands. It is a religion preserved in folk song, dance and seasonal customs. Yet it is also a vibrant and living way of life just as relevant to people today as it was to our ancestors. Come with us as we take a journey of discovery exploring the history, beliefs, traditions and practices that make modern neo-Paganism what it is today. 

By the end of the course, students will: 

Course Modules: 

Lesson 1 - An Introduction to Paganism

We begin by exploring the origins of the term Pagan and how its meaning has adapted and changed down throughout time.


Lesson 2 - Nature & The Natural World

To Pagans, all the Earth is sacred. Learning to live in harmony and care for the environment, and connect with the natural energies of a place help us form deeper bonds.


Lesson 3 - Relationships With The Divine

Pagans see the Goddess, God and other Divine beings in different ways. In this lesson we explore the many faces of deity and what makes them useful, meaningful and relevant to Pagans today.


Lesson 4 - Festivals & Celebrations

The purpose of spiritual practice is to draw nearer to the Gods, the Divine source of all things. One of the most effective ways Pagan's have of experiencing this connection is through their rituals and rites.


Lesson 5 - Witchcraft & Wicca

Witchcraft consists of a number of different traditions based on remnants of Pagan traditions that have been handed down over the years. Wicca has been one of the most successful branch of the Pagan revival and comprises of a whole system of Pagan philosophy and religious beliefs.


Lesson 6 - Druidry

Since the eighteenth century, Druidry has undergone an extensive revival. Modern Druids worship the ancient Celtic Deities and has an emphasis on the revival and transmission of Celtic culture, it's focus on nature worship and its encouragement of the creative arts of music, poetry and literature.


Lesson 7 - Shamanism

The practice of shamanism is based on the belief that reality has many levels, and the universe consists of a complex energy-network of powers, vibrations and forms, of which the shaman gains direct experience.


Lesson 8 - Heathenry

Modern Heathenry is inspired by the religions of the pre-Christian North European peoples who lived a thousand and more years ago in the lands around what is now called the North Sea. Modern Heathen groups around the world are reviving these old practices and call their religion by various names including Asatru, The Northern Tradition, Odinism, Forn Sed, Germanic Pagan Reconstructionism or, simply, Heathenry.


Lesson 9 - Celtic Paganism

Celtic myths and attitudes are found in many current form of Paganism. The festivals of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh are Celtic in origin, as are many of the gods and goddesses popular today. Those on the Celtic path seek to reanimate Celtic ways, crafts and terminology and incorporate them in poetry, ritual and life.


Lesson 10 - Feminism, The Men's Movement & Inclusivity

For many Pagans, the inclusion of a female deity doe not go far enough. They believe that something more radical is called for, where female spirituality is integrated with true feminine effectuality.  In response to the women movement, some men have started to form groups of their own in order to work through their own issues with how the masculine gender is perceived. Homosexuality, gender fluidity and non-binary people are also a force within paganism. The true spirit of paganism today is to value all individuals.


Lesson 11 - Ecology and the Environment

Love for the Earth is part of the pagan souls. We take from the bounty of the Earth gladly, and give back with equal pleasure. Eco-Paganism or Green Spirituality is a way of life that takes careful account of the welfare of the planet and all it creatures and resources.


Lesson 12 - The Pagan Community Today

One of the most obvious things which strikes anyone attending a Pagan gathering is the diversity of the Pagan community. Whereas most religious groupings gather mostly for worship, Pagans tend to be far more social and often attend camps, festivals, conferences, open rituals and pub moots. For most Pagans, community is an important aspect of their life.

Course Access Requirements:

Students need access to a computer or devise that meets the system requirements. For details concerning computer and browser requirements go to:

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• View grades and course content

• Submit assignments

• Keep track of course work with to do list and calendar

• Send and receive messages 

Additional Resources:

Text books and additional materials are not required for this course. Links to additional resources and recommended book titles have been provided but are not essential for completion. 

Coursework & Submissions

This course has been graded as having a 'light' level of coursework. Students will need to complete a short quiz at the end of each lesson to check their understanding of the information, and submit a short written or recorded assignment at the end of the course in addition to our standard pre and post course evaluation surveys.