Centring & Grounding

Centring & Grounding

Course Tutor: Wort Moon

Number of Lesson Modules: 4

Level: Suitable for beginners and all levels

Prerequisites: None

Cost: £4 unlimited access

Course Description:

The ability to centre and ground is an absolutely essential prerequisite to any magical, ritual or energy work such as healing. It ensures that we are in the right place and ready to begin our practices, and that the energy we emit comes from the earth instead of our own personal stores which would leave us depleted and vulnerable.

This short course will teach you all about the act of centring & grounding:  what it means, how it works, why it is important, and methods to help you achieving it.

By the end of this course students will:

Course Modules:

Lesson 1 - What It Means To Centre & Ground

Lesson 2 - When To Centre & Ground

Lesson 3 - How To Centre

Lesson 4 - How To Ground

Course requirements & additional resources:

Students need access to a computer or devise that meets the system requirements. For details concerning computer and browser requirements go to: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Basics-Guide/What-are-the-browser-and-computer-requirements-for-Canvas/ta-p/66

Access your courses on the go with the mobile app. From any device, students can:

• View grades and course content

• Submit assignments

• Keep track of course work with to do list and calendar

• Send and receive messages 

Text books and additional materials are not required for this course. Links to additional resources and recommended book titles have been provided but are not essential for completion. 

Assessment & Accreditation

The course includes a couple of short surveys to help us deliver courses that are tailor made to the needs of our students and an end of course test to help you evaluate your own understanding of the subject

The Enchanted Moon Academy is a service provided by the Wytch Moon Tradition as part of their commitment to helping others access quality information and training on magical and Craft related matters. See our 'Path Training' page for more information with regards to coven based training. Completion of this course counts as 1 credit towards The Path of Earth.